Sailing in the Mediterranean Episode 19 Trip to Santa Cruz Island

I deviate a lot in this podcast and I talk about a recent sailing trip from Ventura California out to Santa Cruz Island in April 2013. I also discuss how to free and anchor when you snag another line. The photos at the website are integral to this podcast This was the first time that … Read more

Sailing in the Mediterranean Episode 18 Static Boat Holidays

I received a couple of e-mails this week one from an 18-year-old student in the UK looking for advice on how to get sailing experience. I’m a great believer that in order to achieve something in life you have to have a dream, a drive, and a passion this letter came from a student who … Read more

Sailing In The Mediterranean Episode 17, Sardinia

In this podcast I talk about the summer of 1999 where I continued my journey through the Mediterranean by launching my boat in Santa Pola Spain sailing through the Balearics to Ibiza  Mallorca Minorca over to Corsica and Sardinia then across to Italy  making a stop at the delightful island of Ponza. Let’s talk about … Read more

Sailing In the Mediterranean Episode 16, French Canal Cruise

This is a great interview that I had with Jules who I met in Croatia in 2011. Jules and his wife Vanessa spent four months sailing through the French canals into the Mediterranean. We talked about his trips through the French  canals. He gives us some great pointers and what is needed to qualify for … Read more

Sailing in the Mediterranean Episode 15, Sailing in Spain

In this episode I discussed the first year of my travels in the Mediterranean covering from where my crew left me in Lagos Portugal across to the river that took me up to Seville Spain then down the coast of Spain and in through the Straits of Gibraltar. I spent a week in Gibraltar putting … Read more

Sailing in the Mediterranean Episode 14, Listener Questions

This makes it easy and fun!  Thanks for the letters.  Today I answer the following letters  ( I have taken off any personal information and just republished the letters below).  Keep them coming! BTW  I mentioned the wonderful weather routing free service that Herb Hilgenberg, SOUTH BOUND II has offered for many years for those sailors crossing … Read more

Sailing in the Mediterranean Episode 12, my sailing plans for the summer of 2013 in Greece and Turkey

I ramble on about various subjects, including the projects that I’m working on, such as rebuilding my bowsprit, finding a new battery charger, how I am going to eliminate dry rot in the future on my bowsprit and then I start talking about my summer travel plans. This summer I plan on sailing south, leaving … Read more

Sailing in the Mediterranean Episode 10, Bareboat Greece

I interview charter entrepreneur and operator Stefanos Moussouras about his charter operations in Greece the link to his website Bareboat Greece is: If you want to be considered as a crewmember next summer then write me and give me details about yourself. I like making new friends.